What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient art developed well over 3,500 years ago in China. This healing practice treats a wide variety of ailments and diseases, both physical and emotional. It is a holistic practice that engages the body’s natural healing response to return the patient to their most optimal state of being. Acupuncture is a safe, cost-effective, evidence-based practice endorsed by the World Health Organization. 

Before I arrive what should I do?

Please fill out the new patient forms and informed consent forms. You do not have to print them out. The link would be found at the end of the confirmation email about your first appointment.

How do I prepare for acupuncture?

Please make sure to eat something before an acupuncture session as you might feel lightheaded after if you have an empty stomach. Wear loose and comfortable clothes and you will be all set.

What can acupuncture help me with?

Research has shown acupuncture’s positive effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. Through stimulating these systems, acupuncture can help: 

  • Chronic Pain

  • Digestive disorders

  • Negative side effects of chemotherapy

  • Reproductive disorders

  • Psychological and emotional disorders

  • Addiction

  • Allergies

  • High Blood pressure

  • Obesity, when used in an overall treatment plan 

What happens on my first visit?

You will have a 20-30 minute consult with the practitioner to go over your health, goals, and concerns. We will develop a treatment plan and discuss future requirements for goals to be met. After the consultation you will receive an acupuncture treatment, then rest on the table for about 30 minutes. First appointments take approximately 1 hour and follow up visits are usually 45 minutes.

Does it hurt?

Acupuncture needles are extremely thin and most patients do not feel pain when the needles are inserted. Many patients are amazed that they don’t feel a thing. Overall the treatment is relaxing and acupuncture is working to calm your nervous system so it is a pleasant experience.

When will I see improvements?

It varies depending on your condition and how long you have had the condition. Results do vary between different conditions and individuals. A typical course can be between 8-12 treatments. As soon as improvements are seen we can taper down appointments.

How long does a treatment last?

The first treatment is 1 hour and 15 minutes long while all follow-up treatments are between 45-60 minutes long. Facial rejuvenation treatments are 60 minutes long.

Do acupuncturists practice dry needling?

Dry needling is another word for what acupuncturists call orthopedic needling. Orthopedic needling is similar to traditional acupuncture, however with orthopedic needling, the needles are placed locally at the site of the issue, rather than all over the body. The needles stimulate underlying trigger points, as well as muscular and connective tissue to release muscle tension.

What credentials does an acupuncturist have?

To be a acupuncturist in Ohio, one must be licensed and have a master’s degree. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is the overseeing body for all licensed acupuncturists in the United States; they require all practitioners to pass board exams in both Eastern and Western medicine, as well as possess proficiency in the classroom and clinical setting.