Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that has benefited people for thousands of years. It is rooted in the idea that an ever-present energy, Qi, flows throughout the body. When we are well, Qi flows freely along the body’s energy superhighways called meridians, and our body systems work in harmony. It is when Qi becomes disrupted by illness, injury, or imbalances we use acupuncture to return the body to it’s healthful, balanced state.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting thin needles into very specific points on the body to unblock any obstructions and rebalance the flow of Qi. It works by releasing the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals and stimulating it’s self-healing response. Patients leave treatment feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
*If there is no communication requesting a cancellation or change to your appointment within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment there will be a no-show fee of $50 charged to your card.
Massage therapy is a type of treatment in which a trained medical professional manipulates the soft tissues of your body, muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin, using varying degrees of pressure and movement.
Massage is generally considered a great pairing with other treatments for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it’s an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.
Massage therapy may be recommended to help people cope with the pain and stress of more serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease, stomach problems, fibromyalgia and much more.
*If there is no communication requesting a cancellation or change to your appointment within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment there will be a no-show fee of $50 charged to your card.
Facial Rejuvenation
Facial Rejuvenation improves muscle tone in the face and helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles. It is a three step method including facial needling, light facial cupping, and concludes with a facial gua sha.
Facial needling works to stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory systems, increase the collagen production in the skin, and improve elasticity.
The light facial cupping relieves muscle tension in the face to soften fine lines and wrinkles and reduce puffiness.
The treatment concludes with a relaxing facial gua sha massage using cooling jade stones to reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, and close the pores.
*If there is no communication requesting a cancellation or change to your appointment within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment there will be a no-show fee of $50 charged to your card.
Cupping is a traditional Chinese therapy that soothes sore muscles and promotes healing to the tissue. It is performed by applying heated glass cups to the skin to create a suction for several minutes. The suction created by the cup facilitates connective tissue formation by bringing blood-flow to the area. Like a deep tissue massage, cupping loosens up the muscles, as well as reduces muscle pain, inflammation, and enhances circulation.
At Shine Acupuncture & Wellness, we offer cupping in conjunction with acupuncture and massage at no additional charge.
Reiki Coaching
Reiki (universal life force energy) and guided imagery meditation promote your natural healing by treating the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Reiki can create many beneficial effects that enhance quality of life, such as relaxation, stress relief, security and well-being. Our practitioner will work with you to remove energy blocks to improve your natural energy flow and help you get back into alignment and on your way to living a more balanced, happy and authentic life.